General Terms and Conditions, Cookie and Privacy Policy

General terms and conditions concerning the use of the website

  1. Responsible publisher of the website

The responsible publisher of the website is Alberic nv, with registered office at 28 Evolis, 8500 Kortrijk Belgium, and Belgian company number BE0465 656 814, registered in the crossroads bank for enterprises KBO Belgium.

  1. Acceptance of the general terms and conditions

We invite users to read the general terms and conditions of our website carefully. By using the website, users agree unconditionally to the general terms and conditions. Alberic nv reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions. We therefore advise users to consult them regularly.

  1. Use of the website

The content of this website is provided solely for users wishing to find information about Alberic nv and its activities.

The content of this website may be used solely in connection with the services offered on the website and solely in a personal capacity.

  1. Unauthorized or prohibited use

Users undertake to use this website in compliance with all laws and legal and/or contractual provisions. Users may not use this website in a manner which could in any way harm the interests of Alberic nv or its customers.

  1. Warranty and limitation of liability

Users acknowledge and accept that their use of this website is their responsibility. Any content that is downloaded or acquired in any way in connection with the use of the service shall be at the user’s own risk. Users acknowledge and accept that Alberic nv cannot be held liable for any damage to their computer system or any loss of data incurred in connection with downloading any content.

This service is provided as is and is accessible in accordance with its availability. Alberic nv does not guarantee that the service will be provided without interruption, that it will meet users’ expectations, that it will be 100% reliable and free of errors, that the information obtained by using the service is accurate and true, or that any errors related to the service will be corrected.

Alberic nv will make every reasonable effort to publish what is, in its view, up-to-date information on its website. It does not guarantee that the information is appropriate, accurate or complete, nor that the website will be complete at all times or up-to-date in all aspects. The information published on this website may contain inaccuracies or mistakes relating to content or technical details as well as typos. This information is provided for illustrative purposes only and is subject to periodic modifications.

This website contains hyperlinks to other websites and to other sources of information. These links and sources of information are placed at the users’ disposal for illustrative purposes only. Alberic nv exercises no control over this information and consequently does not guarantee its quality and/or completeness.

Generally speaking, Alberic nv cannot be held liable under any circumstances for direct or indirect damage, nor for any damage of any kind, arising out of the use of this website or the inability to use it for any reason whatsoever, whether in contract, tort, delict, quasi-delict, statute or strict liability, or based on faultless or other liability, even if Alberic nv was previously made aware of such damage. Alberic nv shall not be held liable under any circumstances for the (Internet) users’ actions.

  1. Contact

Users may send in their remarks, suggestions, or any comments by email (, or by post (Alberic nv, 28 Evolis, 8500 Kortrijk Belgium).

  1. Intellectual property rights

All information available on this website, its compilation and composition (texts, pictures, images, icons, videos, software, databases, data, etc.) are protected by the intellectual property rights of Alberic nv.

Unless given express permission otherwise, users may under no circumstances copy, reproduce, represent, modify, transmit, publish, adapt, distribute, broadcast, grant a licence, transfer, sell, or use by any means or in any manner, all or any part of this website without the prior, written consent of Alberic nv.

  1. Cookies

Alberic nv uses cookies to facilitate and make your surfing experience more pleasant and to bring the contents of its website more in line with your needs and preferences. You can refuse to let cookies be installed, but this may prevent you from gaining access to the website.

Cookies are small data and text files that are installed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or use a (mobile) application. A cookie file contains a unique code that makes it possible to recognize your browser during a visit to an online service or subsequently, during repeat visits. Cookies can be placed by the server of the website or application you visit, but also by servers of third parties which may or may not cooperate with this website or application.

As a general rule, cookies facilitate and accelerate the interaction between the user and the website and help the former navigate between the different components of a website or application. Cookies can also be used to make the content of a website or application more relevant for the user by adapting it to the user’s personal needs and taste.

  1. Personal data protection according to the GDPR*

A. DATA protection

Upon each visit to our website, your (temporary) IP address and, if possible, the original website or email are automatically identified. We save and use these general visit data not as individual (personal) data, but only in order to analyse our website’s navigation, pages visited, articles ordered, information downloaded, etc., so as to be able to improve the name recognition, functionality, and content of our website (and emails).

B. Email addresses and personal data

We use an email address and other data solely for the purpose for which they were provided to us and for other marketing or service purposes, subject to prior consent. Such consent can be withdrawn at all times and the data can be perused, edited, or removed, likewise at all times, by informing us accordingly. Moreover, this option is offered in every marketing and service email by means of a direct reference to these General Terms and Conditions and Cookie and Privacy Policy. We do not provide email addresses or data to third parties for commercial purposes. Furthermore, we keep and use all information which you provide voluntarily through our website or in another manner for marketing and service purposes. The personal data you have provided will constantly be treated and protected with the utmost possible care. If we should wish to use your information for purposes which are not (yet) spelled out in this privacy policy, we will inform you accordingly in advance. You will then be given the opportunity to object in due course again such use of personal data. We grant our customers, prospects, suppliers, and other relations access to all the information we have concerning them, upon request. This includes the possibility to correct any inaccurate personal data. The general terms and conditions, including this privacy policy, apply to every website visit, transaction, or agreement via our website. This policy is notified prior to entering any agreement by means of a reference to its text. If you wish to react to our privacy policy or if you think that our website or actions do not comply with it, you are kindly requested to contact us by sending an email to

Additional information is available from the Commission for the Protection of Privacy, 139 Hoogstraat, 1000 Brussels.

C. Data Protection Officer

You can contact our Data Protection Officer at all times by sending an email to

  1. Availability

The website was developed for consultation on the most common IT platforms. The most recent navigators are likewise admitted in the most popular resolutions.

  1. Settlement of disputes, jurisdiction, and applicable law

These general terms and conditions shall be governed by Belgian law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the use of this service shall be subject to an attempt at conciliation between the parties. Should such conciliation fail, the dispute shall be referred to the courts of Kortrijk (Belgium). Alberic nv reserves the right to refer disputes to another competent court, if it should consider it appropriate.

* Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) Text with EEA relevance